Prometheus was punished for defying the Olympian gods by giving humanity what was at the time, occult knowledge: fire from the gods. This predates the Biblical account in Genesis where the serpent tempts Adam and Eve into consuming the fruit of knowledge. Within each human is this divine spark, some spend their lives in ignorance chasing material wealth and power, while some seek knowledge, gnosis, and this world punishes them for it. These are lessons I have learned in my own life:

- Systems of control must rely on coercion and manipulation to suppress information or promote a false narrative. We'll never hear the truth about anything as long as people are murdered and imprisoned for telling the truth, while those who lie effectively are rewarded.
- The default assumption that truth wins is a lie. How is it possible that only the good side wins wars? By silencing the opposition, lies can be upheld for millenia.
- The greatest sin is ignorance. Especially willful ignorance of truth, blinding others from truth, actively denying knowledge. This does not mean that we must be omniscient to be free, but to seek the truth is what leads to salvation.
I've never been satisfied with accepting a belief just because it is socially normative. Some people learn their entire values and belief systems from others, but almost always these influences are self-destructive to the individual.
Fractal patterns of manipulation

Religions, laws, politics and culture are all downstream of collective consciousness of a geography or ethnicity. Early humans lived in primitive communism, with pagan gods and many deities, as the belief system reflected the social structure. As ancient democracies like Greece collapsed and gave rise to more centralized power in the Romans, a monotheistic belief structure was advantageous to central power.
Early Christianity was persecuted by the state because it challenged existing power structures. The idea of a Monad or true God, challenged the God of the Old Testament, Yahweh. It wasn't until the council of Nicaea which was a consolidation of political power, that Christianity was co-opted, subverted by the state. Obedience to the Church and clergy was an invention that facilitated authoritarianism. Subversion is how modern day intelligence agencies operate, by adopting and twisting the enemy's ideological basis, an opponent who is subverted may not even know they have been manipulated.
The mental imprint of a omniscient God is used as an excuse for any and all incursions on privacy, as the state plays God by snooping on all electronic communications. They want a return to feudalism with high technology, where everyone is a subject of technological overlords, and can be stripped of privileges at any time via debanking, deplatforming, cancelling, and other forms of social death. Systems of control today are upheld and maintained by highly paid but morally bankrupt bugmen, in finance and technology.
There has been very little spiritual progress over the past millenia, but in order for humanity to advance to a higher collective consciousness, old and irrelevant systems must evolve or be rejected. Humanity is stuck in the old system of murdering, imprisoning, stripping away the dignity of the vanguard which can move it forward, and has been since ancient times. Socrates was sentenced to death for "corrupting the youth" as a warning to those why defy authority.
The greatest tyranny is not the sword, but the fear of the sword. For when a society is held captive by the fear of retribution, imprisonment, or ridicule, it will surrender its freedom, its voice, and its very soul, all in the name of self-preservation. And it is in this whispered promise of safety that the true chains of oppression are forged.
Milgram experiment
The Milgram experiment demonstrated that the vast majority of people will do something against their own conscience if an authority figure tells them to do so. As it turns out, most people would deliver a lethal electric shock without considering the consequences. Add in coercion, and almost everyone would punish others to save themselves.

There is a part of the human psyche that allows for blind deference to others, to submit to authority even when they know it is wrong. People with high Dark Triad traits take advantage of others with this built-in weakness. It may necessarily require that people in control are deeply flawed people, narcissistic sociopaths, because their lack of conscience and disregard for truth in favor of their own self-righteousness.
Not everyone submits to behavioral manipulation, but those who resist often face retribution. The masses of cowards, count on those who act on their conscience, regardless of consequences. Revolutions are started by a small fraction of the people, and most end up with those people dead or in charge of the new power structure. Revolutionaries are necessarily losers with a conscience.
How to identify truth from lies

Education systems rarely instruct on how to think critically. Some people have an innate advantage of being able to see without seeing, in which a priori knowledge or genetic memory guides them. By being able to see the past, we can predict the future.
Lies are surprisingly persistent, from recent examples such as the JFK assassination or the events of September 11, 2001, all the way back to ancient history: the suppression of Gnosticism, true purpose of the pyramids, ancient aliens, etc. What the West is built upon today is a continuation of the doctrines of the Holy Roman Empire which may have collapsed politically, but never ended in spirit. By understanding the spiritual framework underpinning the political system, we can identify what kind of behavioral manipulation is demanded.
The most effective lies are those which fit in pre-conceived biases: it's not hard to convince someone that China is oppressing minorities when the receiver of that lie is already conditioned to hate China. Always stop to question, cui bono? Who benefits from a particular fact or opinion? This is just surface level thinking but many fail to do this. The vast majority of lies are told in self-interest, lies and manipulation are necessary for the survival of evil, and they are very adept at it. Anytime one is acting against one's own self-interest, one is probably being lied to, and often while thinking that action is in one's self-interest.
Truth is revealed from understanding, from aligning one's own worldview to reality. This is why beliefs matter, even if you are just one of a few hundred million tax cattle. The power structures of this world are maintained by lack of understanding, promotion of false narratives and untruths. They are upheld by the carrot and the stick, rewards for falling in line, and punishment for heresy. It necessarily takes courage to risk being an indecent man, one who is neither coward nor slave. This is what I foresee as my death or redemption in the near future.