My goal is not to convince anyone to not have children, but to explain why I would much rather not have children, and how life is inherently not worth living. Since we're already here, we have not really much choice but to accept it and go on no matter how intolerable it may be, unless one wants to exercise the secret option (self-deletion).
Human cattle
I have a theory on how democracies actually function, and it isn't too far from Plato's tyranny by the majority. In "The Republic", democracy devolves into tyranny when the majority of people are not virtuous and uneducated. I think this accurately describes the contemporary state of the USA which is inherently unstable and has no worthwhile future.

Corrupt systems are maintained and prolonged by NPCs, meat automatons who are okay with the status quo even if it is actively harmful to a minority, as long as they benefit from it. They want more useful idiots in the world, and as long as idiots are the majority, the narcissistic sociopaths who really run the world can remain in power. They don't care if their society devolves into Idiocracy, as long as they benefit from it. The problem of democracy is that it is easily corrupted when the people are retarded.
Whenever I see natalist propaganda from the government, I think that they are never asking for their best and brightest to multiply, that would go against their interests. The economic capitals of the world are by and large, IQ shredders.
Financial slavery

Slavery never ended, it has been rebranded and now it is something much worse. Almost every human is captured by the traditional financial system, which is inseparably linked with institutions of law, politics, culture, and sometimes religion. To be born into this world is to be a debt slave, we must struggle for the privilege of merely surviving.
While cryptocurrency may offer a glimmer of hope for freedom from institutional capture, it will be co-opted, regulated, and ultimately controlled by the dark authorities of this world. Institutions will regulate crypto under the guise of "protecting people from scams", which do the opposite of the stated intention; institutions want a monopoly on scamming people.
Be fruitful and multiply

Genesis 1:28 says this, that humanity must rule over Earth. By defying this order, I am rebelling against the God of the Old Testament. I think that actually this may not be incompatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ, if we accept that this is a deception of the demiurge. The demiurge wants humans to procreate for generational servitude, to trap us forever in this realm.
It would be pragmatic for any religion to encourage its followers to reproduce, so that their children may be inculcated in that religion from birth. This is another thing I find so unjust about life, is that many people do not even choose what their belief systems are. Someone who is baptized as a child, may not even believe in the ritual of baptism, but it's assumed without question that they must live their lives according to a set of laws ordained by dead people from long before they were born.
Death is the predestination
The meaning of life, is the preparation for death. To give birth is to condemn someone to death. As above, so below. The strongest argument against antinatalism is also the argument for it: that suffering is guaranteed and death is an absolute certainty.
It is odd to think of the possibility that Cain still walks the Earth, that his punishment for killing his brother Abel would be biological immortality. It makes more sense when one views life as suffering, since Cain would then suffer until the end of time. It is a hidden blessing that life is so short, because it makes suffering finite.
Perhaps we have to suffer in this realm to learn something, or we're doomed to respawn: the cycle of saṃsāra, as Buddhists call it. Early followers of Christ emphasized that it is divine knowledge, gnosis, that determines who is saved, rather than blind faith.
Killing the false God
If we accept that the true nature of this realm is conscious, then the end of consciousness would also mean the end of this material universe. If life on Earth went extinct, it would also mean the end of all evil on Earth, false deities and idolatry of symbols, money, prophets and savior types. If we are truly alone in this universe, it would be the elimination of everything wrong in this world, everything cleaned from existence.
Religious foundations would be shaken to the core if it is discovered that we are not alone in the universe, it would put into question the divine nature of humanity (God made man in His image, Genesis 1:27). An all out war against humanity leading to xenocide, as often depicted in science fiction, would be preferable to the status quo: we are the bad guys.